Designer Cabinets Blog
Why Do People Prefer to Buy Kitchen Furniture Online?
Nowadays, many people prefer to buy their kitchen furniture online, whether kitchen cabinets, islands, backsplashes, or refrigerators. However, why is this the case? Why are people making the transition, not seeing the product in-person first, and taking that gable?...
What Things Do You Need for a Kitchen Renovation?
Before beginning your kitchen renovation, you should gather together a few things. This will streamline the process, making your renovation easier, and will also save you time and money. So, prior to knocking down that wall, first, listen up: here’s what we recommend...
Pendant Lighting for Your Kitchen: What You Need to Know
Pendant lighting may just be what your kitchen and home has been missing. A good lighting set-up can transform any room, adding that homely feel and creating a talking point for guests. “Oh, where did you get that beautiful light?” You better get used to the...
How to Update Your Kitchen Cabinets on a Budget
Updating your kitchen cabinets on a budget can be difficult. However, it is certainly not impossible! For starters, updating your kitchen cabinets is a cost-effective and excellent method of not only providing a fresh look to your kitchen, but potentially even...
Kitchen Cabinets and Flooring: Should They Match?
Often, many property and homeowners consider matching their flooring with their kitchen cabinets. However, is this the best design concept? Sure, it may look neat, but are there better alternatives available? This short blog post will discuss everything you need to...
Why Is Custom Cabinetry so Expensive?
If you’ve had a quick glance at custom cabinetry, then you may be shocked as to how expensive these can be. It’s common for a custom design to cost upwards of double the price of regular or designer cabinets, but the benefits of these are often worth the...
What Is a Parallel Kitchen Design?
When it comes to kitchen design and general home renovation, there are dozens of terms thrown around. However, we find one particular term to pop up frequently, causing confusion for many homeowners. This term, as you can likely tell from the title of this article is...
Are Custom Cabinets Worth It?
If you’re considering a kitchen remodel or renovation, then you’re likely also contemplating purchasing new cabinetry. However, often one of the first questions homeowners have is whether or not custom cabinets are worth the additional cost. The answer to this isn’t a...
4 Tips to Help You Choose the Best Kitchen Cabinets
If you’re thinking of remodeling or renovating your kitchen, then you’re likely considering picking out new kitchen cabinets, too. The design of your cabinets can have a major impact on the overall aesthetic, design, and functionality of your kitchen. Therefore, it’s...
What Is a Modular Kitchen?
The word “modular kitchen” is passed around like a ping pong ball when it comes to kitchen renovations. However, many people don’t know what this term means, leaving them more confused about what kitchen design they want. To put it simply, a modular kitchen is a...
Quality Cabinetry Online
Working with homeowners, designers, and contractors…
We are able to save our customers lots of money due to the fact that we are an online company with minimal overhead and minimal markups on the Kraftmaid cabinets we sell. Consequently, there is a price point at which these savings begin.