Before beginning your kitchen renovation, you should gather together a few things. This will streamline the process, making your renovation easier, and will also save you time and money. So, prior to knocking down that wall, first, listen up: here’s what we recommend doing before beginning the renovation process.

Set a budget for your kitchen renovation

Before beginning your kitchen renovation, you should set a budget. However, once you’ve set a budget, add a little more to it, as you’ll likely spend more than you anticipated anyways. 

Avoid going over your budget where possible, looking at kitchen cabinets and other furniture within your price range only. This will prevent a heavy bill towards the end of the renovation, saving a little extra money for you to fill your new cabinets with!

Think logistics 

Oftentimes, we get caught up in the now, perhaps determined to start your kitchen renovation before considering the logistics. For example:

  1. Do you need to take time off work?
  2. Will the remodel disrupt and impact other rooms in your house?
  3. How long will it take for your new kitchen cabinets to arrive?
  4. Do you need to hire a contractor?

Planning ahead of time prevents disappointment while also ensuring the renovation goes according to plan (or as close to the plan as possible!).

Get all the right tools for the kitchen renovation

Before starting any renovation project, we recommend gathering together all the correct tools first. Make a list of all required tools, screws, and other bits and bobs. Gathering these beforehand prevents back and forth and interruption during the kitchen renovation, saving you time and money.

Plan for obstacles 

No renovation project ever goes exactly to plan. Therefore, it’s essential to plan for obstacles. Whether your cabinets are delayed, the refrigerator won’t arrive until next week, or you accidentally burst a pipe, set aside a little bit of money to fix the issue (not to mention time and patience, too). 

Set a realistic timeline 

Finally, before starting your kitchen renovation project, you should set a realistic timeline. Setting a timeline allows you to stay on schedule, motivated, and provides you a good outline of what to finish, what part of the project, and when. Your timeline doesn’t need to be one-hundred percent accurate, but be as precise as you can for the most realistic results.

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